Community Led Local Development
Hull FC are have recently launched the ‘Create’ project, a scheme designed to support local adults to develop the skills required to get back into employment.
Hull FC have recently launched the ‘Create’ project, a scheme designed to support local adults to develop the skills required to get back into employment.
Supported by funding from the European Structural Investment Funds through its Community Local Led Development programme, Create’ works with 100 eligible beneficiaries from the West Hull and Central Hub area across a two-year period. The project offers provision from two, well known Hull FC facilities located at the MKM Stadium and Centre of Excellence (Hull West) on Pickering Road. These sites are easily accessible by either foot or bus from large parts of the Hub area’s eligible postcode.
‘Create’ is proposed following a thorough co-design process with potential beneficiaries and wide-ranging partnership group including organisations from the public, private, and third sector.
It offers bespoke, outcome focused provision, engaging beneficiaries through the ‘power of sport’ in a City which is renowned for its sporting culture.
It’s unique selling point is based on creating an environment that supports the beneficiary to lead a healthy lifestyle, knowing that evidence suggests good physical and mental health are vital to both gaining and sustaining employment and that unemployment can leave a person isolated and with poor health.
A beneficiary on ‘Create’ will access provision through three core themes:
‘Engage’: Opportunities within ‘Engage’ are focused on enhancing beneficiaries personal and social development whilst also supporting physical and mental health. Beneficiaries will access provision that supports resilience, wider softer skills e.g. confidence and communication, participate in team sports as well as making use of gym facilities, and receive one to one mentorship.
‘Educate’: The ‘Educate’ theme will provide opportunities for beneficiaries to complete a formal NCFE Employability Qualification along with innovative, none accredited, ‘Double Club’ sessions that fuse bitesize support around the job achievement process such as CV writing and interview skills with physical activity.
‘Employ’: The ‘Employ’ theme will provide real engagement between local businesses and ‘Create’ beneficiaries. A newly created ‘Business Ambassador Network will see commercial partners of Hull FC deliver ‘Into Business’ workshops with the beneficiaries, support mock interviews, and hold bi-monthly ‘Opportunities Fairs’ at the facility which will provide opportunities for on-job training and work experience.
For more information please email Mark Harling on or call 01482 304260.